Tuesday, February 21, 2006

All Things considered

I'm off for a holiday to New Mexico in a couple of weeks. This got me thinking that I have been in Canada nearly 5 months already. It's gone so fast, I can't imagine the next 7 months going any slower.

I am pretty settled in Vancouver. I love the batcave. Living with Ian has proved as harmonious as I could have possibly hoped for (wait for the ear bashing that been brewing in him when I get home) and I'm surrounded by people who like to give new things a try. Instead of ideas being shunned on the perception of 'Being Sad', even slightly crazy ideas such as the roadtrip are met with "I'm in" and to quote the title of Simons Blog "Why Not?".

Part of me thinks this s because we're in a foreign country and therefore only have a limited time to try all these new things, we are more inclined to take a few more risks. But what harm has it done us. NONE! And I don't think it will. We're not stupid. Just open minded and enthused
So why stop when we get home? We'll even be in a better financial state to do things there? It's easier to get built into a routine at home, but we are blessed with lost of things to do, especially if you live in London.

We have the opportunity to start anew when we get back to Britain and I'll relish that challenge when it comes. Nevertheless, we still have 7 glorious months of warmer sunny weather to look forward to here before we go back. So lets start as we mean to go on, because I honestly don't think I've ever been happier.

Thanks everyone! (especially Ian and Laura for putting up with me beyond the call of duty)




Simon said...

Good point well made. Just make sure you come on the next road trip, it wasnt the same without you. Come here, give me a hug

Bully said...

Underneath that gruff northern exterior, your just a softie underneath.

I'll be rounf for that hug later.

Ian said...

7 months left?!? That doesn't leave us much time to find Canadian wives so we don't have to go home.

Paul Banks said...

There's always Keenie, Ian, there's always Keenie

Bully said...

How will marrying Keenie solve anything. In fact, I think it would make things worse!!!

Anonymous said...

Glad to know that you miss the wonderful London sunshine!! It does look fantastic tho! See you in around 4 Months now! WOO! Laura x

Lewis said...

Very true, very true. When I get home I'm planning a Great Exploration of Great Things in Great Britain. Weekends away are the way forward.