Thursday, March 16, 2006

Ol' Man Bully is back in town

Since Ian, who is actually 14 months older than me, has given me a new nic-name I thought I'd use it to announce my return to Vancouver .

I'm back!

Moving swiftly on, I had a really great time and Laura is still speaking to me. So in conclusion, the trip was an out and out success!

I'll try and post some of the pics I took over the weekend for your viewing pleasure.

Stay tuned.

Your ever faithfull servant,

Ol' Man Bully.


Paul Banks said...

You went away?

Bully said...

You missed me, admit it!!!

Who else is there to clatter into raj

Paul Banks said...

Well you missed a lot at football. Firstly Keenie scored a few goals, all flukes of course. Raj got really mad the first week and pushed someone to the ground and then started on Jesper this week.

Also I played on coach's team this week. After our first game when I scored a couple of goals coach said "great game Paul". Does life get any better.

Bully said...


I can't believe I missed it!

Simon said...

is he actually called raj or are we using offensive cultural stereotypes? Keeny is a goal machine

Bully said...

He's actually called Raj.

I wouldn't dare make such a racial slur.

In the north east it's normal of course.