Insecurities of a man on a mission
Part humour, part therapy, part statement of intent. I started this blog as a record of moving to Canada. Big changes then. Big changes again now. Lets see what happens :)
Thursday, January 20, 2011
I was a much a fan of the former, but undoubtedly tinged with the latter. Like many, I turned up a frustrated & slightly confused graduate. Very much a lover of the moment, At university, I could on occasion be brilliant! Nimble of thought, I enjoyed debating with lecturers. A thrilling cocktail of adrenalin, wit and genuine interest, perfectly balanced climbing against the austere facade of the academic establishment. However, I was highly inconsistent. The finer points of Athenian Law seemed to pale into insignificance compared to the finer points of the opposite sex who were making my tummy go all funny in a new post-pubescent way. Freedom, drinking, loving and winning were what it was all about. I realise Æthelred the Unready is a key figure in medieval history, but Andy was Unready and staring me back in the shaving mirror.
Volatile, fragile unable to bottle things up, manifested a desire to exorcise pain through beer, music and bad decisions.
Back to the pre Tory, free-wheeling days of public funded employ. We had to find a creative way to dissipate our annual budget in order to qualify for the same remuneration the following year. Perhaps it was simple curiosity or the thought of fun, but far more likely pure narcissism on the part of one particular manager that led us to be personality profiled as part of a team building day. The science may be sound enough, I’m not sure. However, I struggled to see how learning about our own personality would help us in any way work better together. I have known me for many years now and am fully aware of my faults and try to hide them to work colleagues. Friends are rarely spared. I may have mentioned that the horoscope in the local paper may be a more cost effective way of moving our team forward. Nevertheless these were the halcyon before the credit crunch, where bankers were just ‘other people’.
In the spirit of the day, I decided to give the personality test my best. I was told it was impossible to cheat, which strangely reassured me. After half an hour if multiple choice, seemingly pointless questions I was finished, and awaited with excited hypocrisy, the results.
“You cheated!”
“How?” I replied, “You said, you couldn’t cheat the test!”
“Well, your results have come back. You are an off the scale extrovert!”
“I know!” I said. This seemed to irk him considerably. This usually unflappable, kindly middle aged man looked stumped. He seemed affronted and wanted answers.
He started to ask me questions about my youth and my education to see how somebody could end up like this? Being extrovert isn’t about being loud and aggressive (although I certainly can be), it’s a state of mind. You live on the surface, but are not superficial. I am attached to the pail that draws deep on a well of emotion (ohhh poncy). It’s a contradiction really, Outwardly strong: inwardly flighty and indecisive. Unusually terribly disorganised, but great when my backs against the wall. Overall, I wouldn’t change me. I just gradually need to improve.
My examiner started to try to justify his science by making slightly ill meaning remarks. “You haven’t moved on from my university mentality… You refuse to mature… You still live at home, don’t you see?... You refuse to accept your life as it is…. You will not move on in your life until you do!” I was not impressed!
Utter bollocks of course. He knows nothing about my circumstances, the break-ups, the opportunities I have been lucky enough to have been afforded. This blog wouldn’t exist if it wasn’t for going to Canada. The only thing preventing me from lashing at this sweet middle aged creature (who I quite liked incidentally) was the obvious discomfiture writhing all over his face. So I played it a bit passive aggressive: I seem naturally suited to it.
A subtle defence against being patronised was needed.
“It’s because I’m an extrovert. I can’t help it you see!” There may actually be some truth to this.
“You have come back all this way to tell me that I am scientifically incapable of being me?” I said with a raised eyebrow Roger Moore would have applauded.
“Erm no but…”
“May I ask how long have you been doing this?”
“7 years”
“28 what?”
“28 years, I have been doing me. Fully functioning with modest success.” I smiled.
He laughed, as I did which eased the slowly rising tension..
Being an extrovert can be great. A natural show-off with a plucky attitude and (I like to think) a sense of humour. However, I decided it wasn’t me with the problem. It was the public sector/charity environment. So I decided to move to where my troubles can be viewed as a virtue. I am now a teacher. It’s a place where my extrovertism can be put to good use. Kids like it when I’m silly, colleagues didn’t.
Dear Middle aged friendly man,
I’m mature enough to realise this ALL BY MYSELF!
I hope you’re happy. I am.
Yours sincerely,
Saturday, January 01, 2011
New Years Resolutions 2011
All situations are unique, everybody is different. Nevertheless, apart from turning 30 in July, I have no idea what's going to happen in 2011. I will certainly not be in the same job and I doubt I will be living under the same roof. When, where and with who, are questions that both excite & daunt me depending on what mood I'm in. The worst case scenario is nothing happens. To help avoid this, I have come up with some resolutions that are more of a lifestyle guide. Some could happen, some will and some I won't get close. However, if I at least give it a go, I should have some good after dinner stories to tell.
- Be more like David Niven.
- Become a qualified lead climber.
- Get something published in Private Eye.
- Play guitar in public.
- Make it onto the Queens speech (long story).
- Blog more.
- Move out.
- Finish a leg of darts in under 14 throws.
- Don't put back on the weight I lost last year.
- Get a permanent job.
- Stop asking, start doing.
- Speak more French.
- Be bold. You regret the things you do less than the things you don't do.
Drink less, eat less and enjoy more. All that jazz. Happy New Year all!
Friday, December 03, 2010
Being back in a new school has been interesting, tiring and a little bit deflating at times, but generally it's good to be back in the saddle. I have enjoyed being fielded the same old questions:-
- Are you French? (I get this a lot)
- Do you use sun beds?
- You got kids?
- You married Sir?
- You gay then Sir? (S'okay if you iz Sir)
- How do you spell GCSE RE?
- When are you leaving us Sir?
- You've got sommink inya innit? (another reference to being slightly darker skinned than the local populace)
A footnote on that last question. I only really noticed it when someone pointed it out to me, but a lot of the kids look very similar. Light brown/blond hair and blue eyes. Not exactly an Aryan super race, but worryingly easy to explain. Nobody ever seems to leave! Some of the staff are ex-pupils as are many of the Mums and Dads of the kids. If they didn't go to my school, they went to the rival school across the road. It does give the place a rather cosy family feel, bordering on the odd. I'd just be happier if they would reach out to extended family. Perhaps outside a mile radius of the school. For the gene pool's sake. I myself, with my swarthy skin and non estuary accent am regarded as a foreigner (I was born and brought up 12 miles away) and manifestly eyed with suspicion and mistrust.
Apart from one incident where talking about queen Elizabeth to year 8's & hinting at her lack of a husband. "what do people my age start to do?" "Retire?", the staff and kids have been great. I'm happy to be there and they're happy to have me. It's only a maternity cover, with very little prospect of being kept on so I have been applying for other jobs. My good friend Paul suggested sleeping with as many history teachers as possible so I can get continuous maternity cover. Laughingly I told this to my head of department this. Her earnest response was "you could do, but you'd have to get your timing right." Can nobody else see the flaw in this plan?
Moving on. I have a new love in my life. Lumps in all the right places but the harder I try the more difficult it is to get my hands on them! Mile End Climbing Wall is a great place! It was my good friend Ian's idea to do a weekend beginners climbing course there. As soon as the instructor saw me, he knew that I was ambitious, determined and likely to fall apart at a moments notice. And how right he was! I sit here and not climbing because I injured tendon in my foot whilst climbing, which means I cannot walk, let alone climb!
I still love it though and yearn to return. For beginners like me, it's an amazing core workout. I have to do my marking before I go, as my grip is so knackered by it, I can't hold a pen afterwards. I nearly had to sign out with a shaky X once, leading the wall attendant to wonder if I was actually literate.
It's very friendly down there and packed with young fit trendy looking people, so I provide a nice contrast. I am a bit of a minor celebrity there having landed myself the membership number 123456. Guy behind the desk said they staff had been talking about this magic member and shook my hand when he found out it was me. More famous as a number than for my climbing but I'll take what I can get.
However, since the course and before the injury I was making real progress. I bought some climbing boots, chalk bag and finger tape, so I at least I look the part. Being a man, I love the kit. I enjoy the ritual of squeezing my feet in the extremely snug boots and then doing them up as tightly as possible lacing all the way from the bottom (as I was told to). I don't care that the good flash climbers climb without even tying theirs up. I may not be very good, but at least I feel I might me. It does not matter what has been going on all day at work. When you climb you focus on nothing else. You are instantly transported back to being a six year old boy climbing trees. It's only the day after you're reminded you're almost 30!
Well it's a snow day so not in school. I shall leave you with the advice given to me by a deputy head in an e-mail this morning about what to do during the close down:
"This morning, Loose Women and Doctors Can I recommend Quantum Leap on ITV 4, also hoping to catch an episode of Diagnosis Murder or Murder She Wrote."
Saturday, September 11, 2010

Tuesday, August 31, 2010
A note for my 18 year old self.
- Mum will cry when she drops you off. Be prepared because crying is contagious
- Don't worry so much. You will be good at this.
- Yes, everyone else seems to be having sex. Get over it.
- You leave uni two stone heavier than when you arrived. Learn that your eyes are bigger than your belly.
- Don't start smoking. It's antisocial, horrible and it's a bugger to quit, which you WILL do!
- Never ever in your Greek History seminars call out "it's all Greek to me" when you don't understand something. Academics are not known for their sense of humour.
- If you decide to fall in love, go for it. Just remember never to alienate your friends, as they're the people who will help you pick up the pieces again when it all goes belly up!
- Always keep a little bit of yourself private. You'll need it. Probably in your second year to fall back on when times are tough.
- Never use the condoms the University gives you. There is a reason they are free.
- Don't compare yourself to other people. It's impossible for a start and you never know how messed up they are.
- How people perceive you and how you perceive yourself are often two very different images.
- If a woman gives you nice big hints that she likes you, don't freeze and be all prudish because you're a coward. No man ever went to the grave saying he wished he'd snogged less women.
- Try as many sports as you can. Especially skiing, become Club Captain and win club of the year at the AU dinner. Because I bloody well enjoyed that moment.
- Be yourself, choose you're own path and walk tall. People will respect you for it (As long as you don't go all weird then people will just talk about you behind your back)
- Share everything but if you do be prepared to loose it all. It's replaceable anyway.
- It doesn't matter that you don't really like clubbing. Some people are just like that.
- Be brave. Try new things. You're young enough to bounce back. If I tried the same again, I may go crunch.
- The secret to women, is a mystery. I don't know the answer and anyone who says they do, is a charlatan and lair and deserves your pity.
Have fun the class of 2010. Jealous? Well I have done it twice now, and it's about time I got a proper job. Good luck one and all x.
Thursday, August 26, 2010
The Father, Son and the Holy Pope.

Intrepid explorers.

Wednesday, August 25, 2010
All change!
I haven't managed to come through totally unscathed. My relationship with my long term girlfriend didn't make the end of the year. I threw myself into my work, loved it, but could have taken it easier and made more time for her. I'm no martyr, more selfish, I enjoyed my work. I had to, I would not have made it through otherwise. I relied heavily on my fellow PGCE students for support and who I know will continue to be friends and crutches during our NQT year.
The PGCE is over now. Time has been given back to me. Time for reflection, time to open back up to my family who found it difficult to relate. Time to repay old friends, have a beer and conversation again rather than just sitting like a shell shocked zombie, nothing much to say just throwing darts with a half smile. Time to think, play guitar, visit places. Perfect!
Well yes and no. I have been out a lot, seen old friends and made new ones. This has been great fun. I have found new interests and had the time to research them a little in my constant quest and unquenching thirst for knowledge. I enjoy this, so don't think that I haven't been, but I find it hard to enjoy things for enjoyments sake. I like to have a purpose. I don't start work until October. It feels very distant. There I know, is my purpose but at the moment I feel very detached. It's everything to me. I'm just not very good at being just... me!
Basically I am a shit louche. I have lead a very charmed life and struggle with the fact. Bloody useless. I should give it up and give it so someone who deserves it more and would make better use of it.
Do I sound down? Not a bit of it. Time has allowed me to get fitter than I have been in the last 10 years, I'm down to a light heavyweight and my brain is as sharp as a tack, sense of humour fully restored. I just think to much. So much so, that I forget what I have actually achieved in the last 12 months. The kids that thanked me for being their form tutor or teacher, the merits, praise for students who went for it and got it. The look on my year 9's faces last period on a Friday when I had them in the palm of my hand looking at the First World War and the genuine thanks and respect from the colleagues I worked with.
"Come on then Andy, upon reflection with all things considered, had it all been worth it?"

Of course it bloody has!