Part humour, part therapy, part statement of intent. I started this blog as a record of moving to Canada. Big changes then. Big changes again now. Lets see what happens :)
Tuesday, November 29, 2005
Snow Fun for Cowboys
Being a leggy chap my centre of gravity is quite high. This means that in icy conditions, I have a tendency to fall over. I did manage to stay upright for a change, but my more cautious approach meant that the busses I could normally run and catch, sped past me as I gingerly trod my way through the slush to the bus stop.
Apologies for the lack of photos everyone. Two reasons. Firstly, I still haven’t had my USB cable sent over. Secondly, Ian hasn’t posted any photos for a while so I haven’t had any to steal!
I have to be quick, as I‘m supposed to be working, but…… She’s Back! The Zuber’s in Vancouver, Laura (if you hadn’t already guessed) is back after her little trip around the Province. I missed her!
Not only did she come back, she bought me a present too. I am now the proud owner of a brand old, genuine Cowboy shirt!! The sleeves are a little short but I’ll keep washing my arms in cold water to shrink them so they are just so. I‘ll get a photo of me in it soon, but according to Laura who is from New Mexico, and is therefore some sort of authority on this, I’m not wearing it the right way. Therefore, I need some more styling tips so I don’t look a fool.
So for Christmas I want the biggest belt buckle money can buy, Cowboy boots (size 12 US) with spurs and the Billy Ray Cyrus back catalogue. I have been a very good boy this year Santa!
As the song goes #Where have all the Cowboys gone?#
Never fear, “The Bull” is here. (am I getting a little carried away?)
Andy xxx
Wednesday, November 23, 2005
Work and no wine! No fair!
My new job has quite a steep learning curve. Things are done a little differently here than they were back at the NEBP. Firstly, I'm not in charge any more, which means they more organised, efficient and in not in complete chaos all the time.
Secondly, I'm working on my own again, so the capacity for cocking things up and getting the blame is greatly increased. The lady whom is taking up most of my time appears permanently stressed and less than helpful to the new boy.
To further my angst, I am on the 'No fun detox plan'. This self-imposed ban on eating out, drinking is designed to save a bit of money and alleviate the chronic pain in my liver (just kidding Mum!).
I have been very social lately, (as one should when in a foreign country) but I have a small window in my schedule, which allows me to rest, recover and get some washing done before Fridays fun and frolics (it's Chris and Deb's 21st Birthdays. Congratulations!)
Hang on, this is turning into a moan isn't it?
In other news, Ian and myself are "Art". For more details click on his blog, but we were asked to be involved in a video arts project. Under normal circumstances I would have probably made polite noises and declined, but seeing as we are in Vancouver, I decided to embrace the project. So Ian and I were filmed being interviewed. I think it's going to be exhibited in the gallery, so if you're over that way see if we're there.
Only more 2 hours to go. Then I have to go home and clean my apartment. Dam it will the excitement ever stop?
Tuesday, November 15, 2005
Pub Olympian!
Now that London has the 2012 games, and has not used this opportunity to include Darts or Snooker to bolster our medal tally, I believe the time is right to diversify and set up our own "Pub" Olympics.
Or at least I thought so until Saturday night.........................
There is a young lady hailing from the USA in our midst. She not just good, she's a natural. Now the rebel colonies could be forgiven for producing an outsider for the pool or even the darts event. This young talent has already beaten me in both disciplines in recent days (Oh the Shame of it! I'll never be allowed back into the North Star), but the best was yet to come.
Beer mat flipping, is a noble art which is usually dominated by the home nations. For those of you who don't know what I'm blabbering on about, beer mat flipping is where you rest your beer mat half on and half off the edge of the table. You then flick it from underneath, which will flip it over and then you have to catch it.
I pride myself on my beer mat flipping expertise. Having mastered the single mat flip you then place another beer mat on top and keep flipping, building up the pile as you go along with each successful attempt.
I can usually flip a respectable 6 beer mats in one go. Not bad, but not quite "Pub Olympian" standard.
As this is a demonstration event for the next Pub Olympics we allowed Laura, representing the USA to join the competition without previously qualifying (this being because she has never done it before). I showed her the basic rudiments of the "classic" technique used by most of the worlds top flippers, and she was away.
4, 5, then 6 she flipped. More beermats were called for. 10, 12, 14. By this stage a small but eager crowd were gathering. Up to 20!!! Ordinary pub goers were calling their wives and children to get down to the pub and watch this masterclass.
By 30, the pub was on the phone to the Guinness Book of Records, and the Brewery for some more beermats. 40 was her last attempt for the night!
My memory is a little sketchy from that night, but I'm sure we hoisted Laura onto our shoulders and walked through a ticker tape parade in Downtown.
I worry for the British prospects at the next Pub Olympics.
Monday, November 14, 2005
Oh What A Beautiful Morning!
I over slept again, which means that over this bank holiday weekend, I think I have been asleep more than I have been awake. Nevertheless, when I pulled back my blinds and saw the clear blue sky, I shot straight up.
Guessing rightly that is is highly unlikely that my agency will find me any work before I start my long term stint and Vancouver Coastal Health on Friday, I quickly decided that today should be about enjoying some "quality me time".
Firstly I got on my Guitar and finished the tune to my first number one hit. The idea came about after a yard or two of ale on Saturday night. Paul Banks was talking about him mum Mrs Banks, reading all our blogs. Manifestly, as a show of appreciation to Mrs Banks I decided to write a number 1 smash hit for her.
It's a song that like me, doesn't take itself too seriously. However, the lyrics do need a little fine tuning. We're trying to find a way of actually putting the final version of the song on the blog so we can all laugh at my efforts. I'm sure Simon Cowell is a big fan of the blog, so I'm positive he'll push it for me.
After that, I thought I had better get on with some of the jobs I have to do as a faithful house husband. I decided to walk into downtown via the beach seeing as we live so close to it. For the first time I could see the snow covered mountains clear as day. The bright sunshine illuminating the waters and the silhouetted ships in the bay.
The Fall here is beautiful, but when it is projected throughout the bright, crisp sunshine it looks truly remarkable. If only I had my camera, but then I thought pictures could never really to it justice. I hope and pray we get a couple of days like this when my Dad comes to visit over Christmas. Then he'll see what I'm banging on about.
I stopped off to look at the various pieces of art that line the Kitsilano coast. There are also a few poems that I would urge people to go and read. There is one about the rain that I particularly love.
I treated myself to a return ticked on the Granville Island ferry, so I could could continue my walk around the park and see the bay from the river in all it's glory.
There were lot's of people jogging around the parks today. It's a very "healthy" city. I thought about going for a run myself, but then I thought what's the rush? Let's take this all in. I think this city is finally getting to me, and it's all for the better.
In other news I got a text from my new companion of the female persuasion Laura, last night. She asked me if I was working before Friday and then said "I want you to come with me somewhere Wednesday".
How exciting, I beamed. Being a master of psychology, I thought I would try and tease the answer to where out or her subtly, by asking her where?
"A Casino!" she replied.
My wallet skipped a beat.
Thankfully, it's her flatmate who works there who is going to take us. Laura can't gamble either. Although she has warned me to leave my wallet at home as there is a shopping complex there as well. Good sensible advice me thinks.
Ok, I had better do a few more jobs. Take care people.
Sunday, November 13, 2005
The Best Tour Ever!
Ian and I decided to treat ourselves yesterday. Ian has worked hard all week, and I did TWO WHOLE DAYS, so we decided it was high time we kicked back and treated ourselves. We decided to head over to Granville Island. It's a wonderful little bristling place with markets and funky little shops. It also houses the Granville Island Brewery. It's a micro-brewery that produces about 5 million liters of beer a year. It's all pretty low-tech, but being a man that likes to fully immerse himself in the culture of a new land, I was unsurprisingly already familiar with most of their brands.
The tour was split into two. The first 5 minutes was spent showing us around the brewery and telling us a bit about it, how the beer is made yada yada yada. The next three hours was spent sampling and talking to other sophisticated, urbane, beer loving Canadians. They have never heard my stories!!!! Everybody else had heard them at least 6 times, and frankly, it's never as good after the third time. It was nice to have a new audience. When ever I meet new Canadians I like to try to be a young Alan Wicker, witty, clever and very dapper. (The man is a pro and should be made Sir Alan in the New Years honors List) However I rarely manage to pull it off.
(Humm Lovely beer)
In other news, Ian got called up by those Crazy Canadians Jen and Lowell, he met when he went coat hanger shopping. So on Thursday we went to a rather trendy little night spot where one of Jen's friends was DJing. That was great fun, we'll certainly be heading back there. These crafty Canadians know all the best places.
Wednesday, November 09, 2005
This is how we dress in Canada

As well as being suitable for Wedding, funerals, christenings and posh social gathering of other people you don't like, my Halloween costume could also get me out of tricky work situations.
They will either promote me straight away or have me forcibly evicted from the building. Either way I win!
I am slowly recovering my sanity after spending 3 days in a room with nothing but files. If anyone would pop in to pick up a file an said "good morning" it would shock me to the core.
One woman did come in and thanked me very sincerely for the work I was doing. This worried me as it opened up the possibility that I had somehow volunteered to do this and was not getting paid! Panic ensued until I got my timesheet signed
Still, with this nifty bit of kit stored in my bag, I should never suffer the same problems again.
This leads me nicely to this months "Public Appeal"
Being the Gentleman I am I was walking a fair maiden home after the evenings adventures. I am sure she felt safe and re-assured by being walked home late at night by a 6 ft 3 crayon. It was only as I walked passed Granville that I noticed that I has lost my hat.
Therefore if anyone has seen or heard of the whereabouts of my hat last seen on Granville at aprox 3.10am, please leave me a comment. There is a game of pool in it for anyone who tips me off leading to a successful recapture.
It looks just like the thing on the top of my head!
Thursday, November 03, 2005
Oh Lord, too much has happened!
Simply go to Bully's choice blogs and click on Ian.
Right here goes. We've moved in! Our flat is lovely and cozy. We have started to get furniture in (most of which I have taken quite legally from one of my temp jobs). However, when we first arrived at the apartment, we were a tad surprised to find out that "part-furnished" in Canada means that they have left the plaster on the walls! It was empty.
Never fear, Ian and I are hardy fellows. A quick trip to Ikea later for some open wallet surgery (Ian's skint so I'm paying for everything at the mo, and he's paying me back as soon as he gets paid. It's a good arrangement, as I get to feel superior and belittle him for a little longer). We got all the bits we needed to survive, pans, plates 24 cans of kokanee etc.
Ok; at this point we can eat and get drunk, however as yet we only had a floor to sleep on (but at least it's our floor). Deciding that my poor arms hadn't been stretched enough, as my knuckles only just drag on the floor, we went out shopping again.
We picked up some very comfortable air beds and some linen, so we were nearly sorted. I have taken some chairs from work and so now we have some where to sit.
We bought a TV and even had cable before they cut it off this afternoon. Now we just sit and stare at the cardboard cutouts of Mounties that I brought home and scare me half to death when I get up in the morning (It's half dark and two figures are standing there saluting you. Terrifying.)
In other home furnishing news, we now have a sofa with two reclining seats. We have also bought a coffee table to put in between to rest our drinks when we sit and watch Family Guy (when I have the cable re-connected on Thurs). Proper bachelor pad. Sorted.
Ian has also got himself further into hock with me as I have now bought proper beds for the place to get the 'batcave' up to scratch. Tomorrow night will be spent building them. We're not taking down our inflatable beds just yet, otherwise it Could be a very late night.
Halloween is a big thing here, so when in Rome. We all got dressed up and went out on the town. We bought the costumes on Saturday night for a party that never materialised. This didn't stop us dressing up and going to the pub for a few instead.
I got the most stupid costume I could find. Ian looked fabulous as Buddy Holly, and I went dressed as................... a Crayon!
We must have made quite an impression as when we went out again on Monday, people recognised me from Saturday. It was very strange having people come up to me and ask if I was the Crayon walking down Granville Street. I have been given the nic-name the Cockney Crayon, and people keep giving me crayon related items. Such items include, a green crayon and a big pink blow up crayon. Thanks!
Judge for yourself as I introduce you to the rogues gallery.
(The album cover that never was. Buddy Holly and me)
(Chris Gav (who I have stolen the photos from) and my good self, rock the joint)
(One for Julie. Paul 'the Monk ' Banks and me... again)
(Chris. One horny Devil)
(A vision of heaven. Hunter S. Thompson and Buddy Holly in conference)
(The gang, in a cage. Doesn't Chris look scary)
In other news: It's been a busy old week again. I'm working again until Tuesday. I seem to be getting a lot more offers through now, so hopefully I can continue in this way to pay for Ian's lavish lifestyle.
Ian and I went to a house warming party last night, of some of the fellow BUNAC'ers. I took my guitar around with me and I sat and listened as other people who are much better than me played it!
We also played the amazing "King of Cups" drinking game, which probably accounts for the very low profile being maintained by the participants today. Good fun and was had by all. Even better is the fact that they live 4 mins away, so I didn't have far to stagger back.
Right I need to sent a few quick e-mails, do some washing and cook Ian a fabulous meal. We still haven't worked out who wares the trousers in this relationship.
Wednesday, November 02, 2005
30 second update.
I have also decorated our flat with two life size cardboard cutouts of Mounties. The look brilliant and welcome us back from work evey day.
Halloween was a blast. Photos tomorrow I promise (I went as a crayon, and Ian was ... no I mean WAS Buddy Holly).
I also met a nice young lady whom I am off for a drink with now. Wish me luck!
PS> Sorry mum about the spelling but I have no time.
Sis, thanks for the pic. Have you got your prezzie yet?