As well as being suitable for Wedding, funerals, christenings and posh social gathering of other people you don't like, my Halloween costume could also get me out of tricky work situations.
They will either promote me straight away or have me forcibly evicted from the building. Either way I win!
I am slowly recovering my sanity after spending 3 days in a room with nothing but files. If anyone would pop in to pick up a file an said "good morning" it would shock me to the core.
One woman did come in and thanked me very sincerely for the work I was doing. This worried me as it opened up the possibility that I had somehow volunteered to do this and was not getting paid! Panic ensued until I got my timesheet signed
Still, with this nifty bit of kit stored in my bag, I should never suffer the same problems again.
This leads me nicely to this months "Public Appeal"
Being the Gentleman I am I was walking a fair maiden home after the evenings adventures. I am sure she felt safe and re-assured by being walked home late at night by a 6 ft 3 crayon. It was only as I walked passed Granville that I noticed that I has lost my hat.
Therefore if anyone has seen or heard of the whereabouts of my hat last seen on Granville at aprox 3.10am, please leave me a comment. There is a game of pool in it for anyone who tips me off leading to a successful recapture.
It looks just like the thing on the top of my head!
Could you please put me on your blog as a link please.
She's called Laura and she's from New Mexico.
Promising start, but it's early days yet. We'll see!
Your Crayola Picture is so ace I know have it as my msn picture...even if you are ignoring me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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