Part humour, part therapy, part statement of intent. I started this blog as a record of moving to Canada. Big changes then. Big changes again now. Lets see what happens :)
Thursday, April 27, 2006
Ready to hit the Hit Parade!
For the first time ever, I have broken the intro barrier, into full songdom. The poetic lyrics are semi autobiographical. "Moving On" is about a handsome young hero, spurned and traped in a seemingly unending cycle of misery and dispair, only through courage and Herculean will power, to arise a new improved version of his already handsome and heroic self.
It's pure bloody dynomite!
I won't do what I did last time and put the lyrics on the blog as HANNAH will only shoot my fragile confidence down in flames once again. And that would be a great loss to the musical world.
In other news (which pales into insignificance) It was Gavins (or was it the alternative Gavin's) birthday last night. We went to the Yuk Yuk comedy night. Although it was amature night, I thought the standard of the comedy was excellent. Even better, was the $5 price tag attached to the enterance ticket.
Work is fine. They are giving me money for voting an agreement not to strike (which I forgot vote for). For you Londoners reading, the bonus wouldn't probably buy you lunch, but here it means I get to live in my apartment for the next few months. Also I can now afford to buy a pair of jeans without a whole in the crotch. Ian and me will so be living in a "two pair household". How exciting!!! It should at least get me invitied to more Parties.
For the lowdown on what was a classic St Georges Day, please visit the blog of King Banks (the link to which is on your right)
Nothing much else to report on Walton Mountain. Better go back and do some work!
Love to all!
Friday, April 21, 2006
Blast from the past!
I simularly went throught my inbox and had a look at the photos. I only have about 150 pics, of which only 2 are fit for human consumption (you Jolly boys were into some strange stuff)
So without much further a doo here they are!

PS. See, I was thin once!!!
Sunday, April 16, 2006
Happy Easter!
Ahhh, at last a long weekend to rest up relax play the guitar and get rained on! Work is good. It looks as though I am going to be kept on for a fair while where I am, even if I don't get this job that requires 45 wpm. I am far to valuable in the field of production, making binders and doing a random selection of other no-brainer work.
The sun is now finally out and so life is good once again. Today is Easter Sunday. I went to Church on Easter Sunday for the first time ever. We played jeopardy!!!
I then went to the music shop to try out one of the new silent travel guitars Yamaha have built. Very good I have to say. Back to the Batcave! Laura starts cooking me lunch. And I thought miracles only ever happen at Christmas!
I then sat watching telly as Laura went into my room and made a few phone calls home. She returned 20 minutes later and asked "Andrew, can you come in here, we need to talk!" Oh heck, I thought, I have heard this one before. In my experience "talking" is in fact being told "we're through!"
As I came in she smiled and said " I have hidden 18 easter eggs all over your room and here's a basket to put them in when you find them" How sweet and easter egg hunt! I hope she didn't find the well worn copy of Playboy under my bed. I only get it because it's got the closest crossword to The Times cryptic, this side of the atlantic. Honest mum!
I found all 18. She's a cunning one that Laura, but very sweet!!!
Well, not much more to report. Laura says hi, and a big congrats to Helen, Greg and Baby Benjamin. I'm an Uncle................ of sorts! It's wonderful news.
Love to all,
Tuesday, April 11, 2006
All Fingers and Thumbs
It's at times like these, that one starts to look back and reflect upon what has been, and that the same time focus forward onto what will be.
I have only set myself two goals since being in Canada. The first was to become the greatest jazz, folk and blues guitarist the world has ever seen (rock is for kids). This is a work in progress!
(My tools: L: S&P accoustic R: 3/4 classical)
The second, is to get my typing speed up to 45 words per minute, so that I can further my working relationship with WorksafeBC. The people here really want me to get my speed up so I can stay. They have even lent me one of the company laptops loaded with a typing programme for me to practice on at home!
Well then how's it going? I hear you cry.
Mixed bag I’m afraid to report. Although becoming the worlds greatest jazz, folk and blues guitarist the world has ever seen, is still some decades of constant practice, a hand and brain transplant away, my lessons with Dave are already bearing fruit. He has that special balance that really helps the improving guitarist. He didn't shatter my fragile confidence when he asked me to play for him. Nevertheless, he has certainly shown me plenty of areas for improvement.
My typing on the other hand; Oh heck. Learning to touch type is not easy when your used to the Tony Blair, two finger method. I am starting from scratch and it is a slow process. For example. I started this post last Tuesday!

(Me demonstrating my current typing technique)
Still, I have another week and a half to practice, and I'm so close to the 40 wpm right now. A bit of extra grit and determination and I may just get there. Either that or I get Laura to dress in my clothes, give her a false moustache and let her take it for me. She's up in the 90's somewhere. Show - off!
I'd ask Ian but he's in the same boat I am. We're so alike sometimes it's frightening!
Love to all,