It's at times like these, that one starts to look back and reflect upon what has been, and that the same time focus forward onto what will be.
I have only set myself two goals since being in Canada. The first was to become the greatest jazz, folk and blues guitarist the world has ever seen (rock is for kids). This is a work in progress!
(My tools: L: S&P accoustic R: 3/4 classical)
The second, is to get my typing speed up to 45 words per minute, so that I can further my working relationship with WorksafeBC. The people here really want me to get my speed up so I can stay. They have even lent me one of the company laptops loaded with a typing programme for me to practice on at home!
Well then how's it going? I hear you cry.
Mixed bag I’m afraid to report. Although becoming the worlds greatest jazz, folk and blues guitarist the world has ever seen, is still some decades of constant practice, a hand and brain transplant away, my lessons with Dave are already bearing fruit. He has that special balance that really helps the improving guitarist. He didn't shatter my fragile confidence when he asked me to play for him. Nevertheless, he has certainly shown me plenty of areas for improvement.
My typing on the other hand; Oh heck. Learning to touch type is not easy when your used to the Tony Blair, two finger method. I am starting from scratch and it is a slow process. For example. I started this post last Tuesday!

(Me demonstrating my current typing technique)
Still, I have another week and a half to practice, and I'm so close to the 40 wpm right now. A bit of extra grit and determination and I may just get there. Either that or I get Laura to dress in my clothes, give her a false moustache and let her take it for me. She's up in the 90's somewhere. Show - off!
I'd ask Ian but he's in the same boat I am. We're so alike sometimes it's frightening!
Love to all,
you'll make it andy ive got every confidence in you! If you ever need a few pointers, i'm your man ;)
Benjamin Milton Douglas Russell born 10th April 2006 @ 10.34pm he is gorgeous not been home long will send you pic link when done eventually hopefully your Mum and Sis will be over soon to see him
Helen xoxo
I spoke to mum yesterday to get the latest. I have heared he's a handsome little fellow. Can't wait to see the first pics.
Love Andrew xxx
hi andrew,dad here.Regarding holidays, as you know i do a lot of work with khan and his year end is the end of august which rules that out for a holiday.road trip in sept mum in july only leaves june.I know its difficult to get to much time off work and you want to get your non strike settlement, so if it cant be arranged dont feel sorry for me. Have my eye on a picos trip lots of religious festivals this year.
Going to buckhurst hill cricket club dinner with khan,ron,chris and paul on friday Robin smith is the speaker likely to be a bit boozy.
keep up the typing
love you x
dad again
like the jim foster tracks
just thought i would leave you a few pics for you to see andrew on my website
take care hope ur having fun
Helen xoxo
Welcome to Canada and I wish you a good life here but have to ask why in the world you would want to work for WorkSafe BC? There are many rewarding careers out there, why settle for a money seeking, vicious, people hating, scaming company like them. You couldn't pay me enough to work for a company that ruins so many lives. Read my blog and get a small glimpse into what they have done to me. I am a single mom with a special needs child that has been left permenently disabled due to a work related injury and am going to loose everything because of these evil people. I am a woman who has worked since the age of 13 and never taken advantage of any system and now will loose everything so that WorkSafe BC can save a buck.
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