Friday, March 31, 2006

Snooze Helmet for a safer BC!

Naturally, we all spring into work in the mornings full of vigor and enthusiasm, making it our days mission to keep BC safe! (see pic 1)

(Pic 1: Me, ready to work for a safer BC!)

However, sadly, after a long rambling lunch following an evening where you may have had half a glass to much red wine, we are not always at our best. If a doctor were present, they would undoubtedly prescribe a snooze.

Senior Managers, versed in 20th Century management techniques, may not yet be aware of the long term health and output benefits of snoozing.

Therefore, may I present my latest invention (see Pic 2). For the bargain price of $200 you to can own a snooze helmet, individually crafted for the wearer, faultlessly assimilating your natural features, to project a happy and alert visage for the boss, while you are taking a quick power nap and keeping BC safe.

(Pic 2: Am I awake, or am I asleep? Its impossible to tell with uncanny detailing of the Snooze Helmet)

Everyone's a winner with Bulls "Snooze Helmet".

Order now, Make cheques payable to CASH.


Paul Banks said...

I have a new blog name. Check it on

Bully said...

You change your blog address more times than I change channels.

Whats the legal reason for changing this time Banko?

Paul Banks said...

Whether you are alseep or awake I don't know. But it certainly makes you better looking.

Only joking.

Paul Banks said...

King Banks was just a temporary name until I thought of something else. Being a big fan of the "Jack Bauer power hour" that is 24 I deemed previously on 24.. an appropriate and fitting title.

Anonymous said...

love the tshirt! and banksy is right, you do look good with that helmet. JUST JOKING!!! xx

Anonymous said...

hi andrew dad here.Power naps you must have inherited from me.
holidays;the choice is saddle skeddale over bodmin,exmoor and quantocks or is there any possibility of you getting some time off and meeting me in calgary and taking a trip to vancouver.I know it will be very similar to the trip with mum. would be approx 8 days. I understand if not poss x

Anonymous said...

Ok, so heres the deal. I figure this "snooze helmet" is an ingenious plan. I am wondering if I am able to buy shares in the company.

p.s: This is Kaitlin, we met @ your oscar's party. I live with Jan, Hannah's bf.

Bully said...

Well Kaitlin, a Canadian citizen involved could help to bypass some of red tape that binds me as a non resident.

I also have had many orders from the UK, as well as North America.

'Bull International Inc' is a truely global enterprise. A truly wise investment; Well done!.

Make your cheque payable to CASH!