Just three words that describe me in that last week or so
Hello fans, it's been a while I know and I'm sorry for that. Because it has been a while since my last post, it seems that every other wannabe blogger has covered events of the last few weeks in such great detail, that there is no point in trying to mow over old ground. So I will try not too. So I thought I'd just post a few photos, of events that I rememberd to take my camera too and made me think.... Hummmmm!
Mean and moody Vancouver before the sun came. The camera didn't do it justice. We are on the coast of the Pacific along English Bay. I couldn't help but admire is majesty.

The water is so sofe and clear. I know, I have swam in it numerous times. I loved the drama of the cloud covered hills in the background

We also have pointless pylon "art" in Stratford too. Mind you, if I lookd through the sculpture in Stratford, all I saw was my old office. SO LONG BROADWAY HOUSE!

Here we are now at Ian's Birthday. Although it was meant to be Ian's evening, all the camera lenses seem to have been pointed at Paul all evening. He was magnetic that night

See what I mean!

Gav and Liz, strangely, this slightly blury image is how I remembered them that night. Cute Couple.

Oh yea, it was Ians birthday. so here's the BIRTHDAY BOY!

BUNACS Golden couple. We'll I look pretty golden. Laura is more of a redish pink.

Couple more drinks Alan and this could have been your Taxi fare home. Just Kidding! Al and Janine. She was our one token Canadian for the evening.

Simon! Turned up late, but more than made up for it with a Herculean drinking performance. Simon loves Bush!

Next day!! Beach time and Kite flying. Laura getting hersekf mentally prepared for the challanges ahead.

Jade had bought Ian a very nifty stunt kite for his birthday. Ian stuck his index finger in his mouth and then in the air, and cried "It's time to Fly!"

After an 'experimental' start the Popester, showed just how kite flying could be sexy as well as just plain fun.

I myself dabbled, and created a short flight piece to the Chariots of Fire theme tune. Hundreds gathered in awe to watch.

As you can see, the crowds made space when Laura had a go. See also was pretty nifty. More importantly, we finally found something that Paul isn't any good at!

The last work goes to Ian, and his kite flying magesty. He's taking it out again today, so if I'm lucky I'll get another go. Yippeee!
Love to all. XXX
hello, pictures are very nice, and the weather seems better than it is here! Im not liking the fuzz on your face, makes you look very old!All good tho!! love Me x
whats big rock? like the beard,best to have now before the grey kicks in.love dad
On another note, the Canada v Brazil U20's game that we will be going to is the last of three games between the two sides.
The footage some of saw at the weekend of Canada beating Brazil 2-1 was from the first game in Edmonton. Looks like it will be closer than we thought.
It's Janine! Blimey, I haven't seen her in ages!
Hey Sis, You think thats bad. Those photos were taken over a week ago. After a quick trim here and there, I am now a fully paid up member of the Beard Club (Vancouver Branch).
Dad, Big rock is a brewerey that makes big rock beer! I'll be a silver fox by 30
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