Tuesday, June 20, 2006

5 men Grinding.

Ok Ok, so I may have gone a tad overboard on the sailing photos, but it was great fun. So to prove that I am a man of many differing talents, let me introduce you to the Grouse Grind. Grouse is one of the mountains that surrounds Vancouver. I heard it has a pretty view of Vancouver from the top. So instead of paying the $30 it costs to go up in the cable car, we decided to take the grind trail up instead and get some much needed exercise.

At the top. Why do I look like the only one drenched in hard earned sweat.
I live in the far left corner
Our transit home. it's not recommended walking down as it is very steep, so it only costs $5 to get down. At this stage in the precedings this seemed like a bargain.


Anonymous said...

Not sure about the look, is it Barnacle Bill the sailor or a lumberjack you are planning for the future.
Mum xx

Bully said...

Bit of both actually Mum, so sweet of you to notice.

Paul Banks said...

It's hard to imagine you without the beard. If you ever shaved it off I think a little bit of you would die inside.

Anonymous said...

Shiver me timbers, hoist the main sail and force those mutinous dogs to walk the plank...we liked the sailing photos.

Anonymous said...

urmmm, just a quick point, were not walking up that mountain ive been a lazy bum for far tooo long to tackle that!! Hummm, im looking forward to seeing ur fuzzy old face, ahh I love you really!! See you sunday, im excited! A WOO HOO! Love me xx

Anonymous said...

Dont know if ive told you this already but much to your mum and lauras dismay i LOVE the beard andrew !!!!!


ps hope you all have a fab time together !!!

Bully said...

At last! a British female fan of the beard.

They're all the rage with these Canadians.

Plus I get to sleep in 10 mins longer, beacuse I don't have to shave.