Wednesday, August 10, 2005

Hello again!

As a courtesy to Her majesty's Government and the Bank of England, I graciously decided to write a quick post to let the English speaking world know how I'm doing. As a result of this hopefully, I can single handedly avert chaos for the great institutions that mentioned above.....(I know they were worried).

I am perfectly fine!

I realise that my silence had caused consternation amongst the masses, but fear not dear reader. It's not because I don't love you. It's just that due to the rapidly approaching evacuation of this fair Isle to Canada, I have been preparing by investing some quality me time.

Work is incredibly quiet at the moment. Added to this we have more staff than ever. The two new people who are to replace Ian and myself have already started. Ian and myself have of course been training them up in all areas of our work. However once we showed them where the kettle was and they seemed ok.

They are both very nice chaps. Rob is Ian's brother (nepotism or what?) and Charlie is very keen and enthusiastic about the job (something Ian and I lost a long time ago). Due to this new bloods enthusiasm, our thinly veiled training programme consists of delegating what little work we have to the newbies. The system seems to be working well at present (for me anyway).

So, what have I been up to this last 2 weeks? Well work wise, virtually nothing apart from a few meetings. I spend far too long day dreaming about what I might get up to in Canada. The danger of this, is that my expectations become artificially high. I'm not stupid! I know that it is likely to be tough, but hopefully good fun. Nevertheless, I can't suppress the tiny piece of my mind that hopes something big is going to happen: and why should I! Keep on dreaming: that's what I say.

The rest of my time in the office is spend doing what little work I have, reading Ian's and Lewis's blogs, checking in with the Peter Cook appreciation society, reading Richard Herrings blog and looking at some other weird and wonderful websites. (Links to on the right)

In my spare time I have been very busy of late. During week days I'm either at the Gym, Playing tennis, down the pub or practicing like fury on the guitar (again following on from the idea that something BIG might happen in Canada, and if not, to provide a better friend during my quieter moments).

Basically there is nothing much doing at the mo. Just winding down. The lull before the Canadian storm. It's quite sad really. Nevertheless, the last time I said my life had gone all gone quiet, things went bloody mental for the next to months. Touch wood!


At the weekend, I went to the worlds largest Real Ale festival at Olympia, which was fantastic! However, I will wait until I have uploaded the photos to give you the full debrief. This was just to (pardon the pun) wet your appetite!

Love Bully x

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