The purpose of setting up this blog was two-fold. Firstly it was to be a lighthearted and humorous jaunt, as I move from London to Vancouver which people may wish to read and respond to.
Secondly, it is a medium in which I can unleash my RAGE AND FURY upon the meek, in a civilised way where nobody gets killed.
Today I'm feeling particuarly narked, so the latter of the two uses is coming into force. I'm not a moody person, but I can be quite an emotional one. If I ever find myself in a bad mood, I can usually hide myself away for about 20 minutes during which it will have passed and I'm back to the happy go luck chap I like to think I am.
Today is a bit different. I awoke this morning, pulled back the curtains to reveal brilliant sunshine for a wonderful morning. I felt terrible! And I couldn't work out why?
As a grand socialite who thinks he should be paid just for being me, I am finding work a trifle tedious. It's really hard to motivate yourself when you know that all your projects, which you have started and watched grown, have all come to an end. It's the closest thing to parenthood yet.
Now all that is left is for our replacements to start and train them up into the next generation of Super EBP Legends. Lots of organising, which is not really my forte`.
Not to worry, Only a few hours left before I go to the dreaded SPINNING! For those of you who are not au fait with the gym. This is a class which involves sitting on a stationary bike, peddling like fury at different resistances for 45mins to an hour. I believe it was first invented bt the Spainish, during the inquisition to extract confessions from non believers. It has since been used by the middle classes to repent their sins. After I finish a class, I always feel absolved. I also feel bloody knackered. I have no sense or feeling by the end of it. Spinning is my opiate.
It all makes me wonder if I will have the heart to really go for it in Canada. In my mind I have, but in my mind, I feel I could do most things if I was really up for it. Reality sometimes differs slightly. Through working with lots of campanies and schools, I have learned that nobody is ever as enthuastic about things as you are. You have to enthuse and pursuade them. (note to self: Maybe I should be a con-man.)
I forget that I am very comfortable in my big chair at my big desk, coming to the end of a 2 year reign here. When I'm out on the streets with no money or food, I'll soon buck my ideas up. I find that old woman with lots of dosh and a serious heart condition, marry her, subject her to my driving, and live happily ever after.
Only kidding. Dido, I'm all yours!
1 comment:
I hope you enjoy Canada. Looking forward to some happy times at your place here!
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