All I need to do now is write a hit song to pay for it. I did give it a go yesterday but I could hear Hannah laughing all the way from Hackney. I guess I need to work on my writing a bit.
She lives in a case that looks far more comfortable than my hostel bunk, but hey ho. Ian and I had a call last night from our new landlady. We are going for a viewing on Friday. There is a slim chance that we may get in their a couple of nights early. That would be simply fantastic.
I have not been working today. I did get a call from the agency that I was working for last week. My previous employers want me back! So at least I have some work in the pipe line. I seem to be getting quite a few calls from agencies offering me work as well, so I hope to be working again by Friday.
Ian's doing well at his post at UBC. Like the industrious boy I am, I met him for lunch and then went job hunting their myself. The pay is good and it seems a lovely place to work.
Congratulations to Paul who got his job in TV product placement today (Hi Julie). Dinners on you tonight then sonny boy!
Only a week and a half after his birthday I have posted off Dad's present. I also got my sisters off today. Cost me a bloody fortune, but their worth it! ;) Should be with you in 4-6 days peoples.
Laura.... I hope you like what I have got for you. Please let me know when you get it. Mwah x
Ok, need some dinner so I'll sign off for now. I bought a songbook with a few of the songs I failed to learn properly when I had lessons (poor Pete, my tutor. I was a terrible student). I am determined to return a better guitarist than when I left.
Right I'm off to practice.
Until next time x
I can't believe you took the lyrics down! And I was laughing all the way from Forest Gate actually (i'm back in the 'ham)
Ian has already told me off for that. I forgot you've moved back to the "Gate" whilst your a student again.
Good luck with the studies. Seeing as I'm obviously off work again, I'll write a hit song for you.
In fact, I'll call it "the Gate" and insert lots of funny geographical references, that only you, Ian and me will get.
What Larks!
Hello Andy, this is Julie {otherwise known as Paul`s mum }. I`m getting abit worried cos we have`nt heard from you since Weds! Is your new guitar friend taking up all your time? Its not a good idea to ignore your loyal fans. Hope to hear from you soon then.A Bientot!
Sorry Julie,
I am neglecting my flock again. Although I haven't been at work for three days this week, I seem to have been very busy.
Still, we move into our place today and we have our haloween costumes sorted for Monday, so you won't have to wait long for more exciting tales of our mis-adventures
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