Thursday, November 03, 2005

Oh Lord, too much has happened!

Firstly, I would urge you all to read Ian's entry that he will also post tonight. I know this is a scary thought for a lot of people, but trust me on this. No one will judge you. Not only has he got some brilliant photos from Halloween, but he has a wonderful story about Canadian Hospitality that involves me as well. So you time will not be wasted.

Simply go to Bully's choice blogs and click on Ian.

Right here goes. We've moved in! Our flat is lovely and cozy. We have started to get furniture in (most of which I have taken quite legally from one of my temp jobs). However, when we first arrived at the apartment, we were a tad surprised to find out that "part-furnished" in Canada means that they have left the plaster on the walls! It was empty.

Never fear, Ian and I are hardy fellows. A quick trip to Ikea later for some open wallet surgery (Ian's skint so I'm paying for everything at the mo, and he's paying me back as soon as he gets paid. It's a good arrangement, as I get to feel superior and belittle him for a little longer). We got all the bits we needed to survive, pans, plates 24 cans of kokanee etc.

Ok; at this point we can eat and get drunk, however as yet we only had a floor to sleep on (but at least it's our floor). Deciding that my poor arms hadn't been stretched enough, as my knuckles only just drag on the floor, we went out shopping again.

We picked up some very comfortable air beds and some linen, so we were nearly sorted. I have taken some chairs from work and so now we have some where to sit.

We bought a TV and even had cable before they cut it off this afternoon. Now we just sit and stare at the cardboard cutouts of Mounties that I brought home and scare me half to death when I get up in the morning (It's half dark and two figures are standing there saluting you. Terrifying.)

In other home furnishing news, we now have a sofa with two reclining seats. We have also bought a coffee table to put in between to rest our drinks when we sit and watch Family Guy (when I have the cable re-connected on Thurs). Proper bachelor pad. Sorted.

Ian has also got himself further into hock with me as I have now bought proper beds for the place to get the 'batcave' up to scratch. Tomorrow night will be spent building them. We're not taking down our inflatable beds just yet, otherwise it Could be a very late night.

Halloween is a big thing here, so when in Rome. We all got dressed up and went out on the town. We bought the costumes on Saturday night for a party that never materialised. This didn't stop us dressing up and going to the pub for a few instead.

I got the most stupid costume I could find. Ian looked fabulous as Buddy Holly, and I went dressed as................... a Crayon!

We must have made quite an impression as when we went out again on Monday, people recognised me from Saturday. It was very strange having people come up to me and ask if I was the Crayon walking down Granville Street. I have been given the nic-name the Cockney Crayon, and people keep giving me crayon related items. Such items include, a green crayon and a big pink blow up crayon. Thanks!

Judge for yourself as I introduce you to the rogues gallery.

(The album cover that never was. Buddy Holly and me)

(Chris Gav (who I have stolen the photos from) and my good self, rock the joint)

(One for Julie. Paul 'the Monk ' Banks and me... again)

(Chris. One horny Devil)

(A vision of heaven. Hunter S. Thompson and Buddy Holly in conference)

(The gang, in a cage. Doesn't Chris look scary)

In other news: It's been a busy old week again. I'm working again until Tuesday. I seem to be getting a lot more offers through now, so hopefully I can continue in this way to pay for Ian's lavish lifestyle.

Ian and I went to a house warming party last night, of some of the fellow BUNAC'ers. I took my guitar around with me and I sat and listened as other people who are much better than me played it!

We also played the amazing "King of Cups" drinking game, which probably accounts for the very low profile being maintained by the participants today. Good fun and was had by all. Even better is the fact that they live 4 mins away, so I didn't have far to stagger back.

Right I need to sent a few quick e-mails, do some washing and cook Ian a fabulous meal. We still haven't worked out who wares the trousers in this relationship.



Lewis said...

You have a cutout of a mountie? That's fantastic! Now I've just got the soundtrack to "Due South" running round and round in my head...

"Duuuuuuuuuuuue Saaaaaaawwwth..."

Classic. Seen any real mounties yet?

Bully said...

I have met a real "retired' mountie. He was very big and very friendly. They are very cool people