This years attempt went a little better than last year. There are two main reasons for this. Firstly I took the period off between Christmas and New Year to try and get it established, and secondly my Mum is 5000 miles away so I can't hear her scream to me to:
"SHAVE... You scruffy devil. I didn't raise you like this!!!"
So I gave it a chance this year. Sadly all good things come to an end, it had to come off. Why I hear you cry. Because it's flipping itchy that's why!!!
But just before I did, I got Ian (the official beard photographer) to take a couple of snaps for you to laugh at.
Strangely, when I went back to work the next day, the ladies there were horrified. I should have consulted them first apparently. I was a bit of a catch avec beard, but being English I would have been dropped (cricket joke for those of you who needed help).
Muchos love. Bully xxx
Ian's trademark, up the nose shot.

This photo scares me a little. I think I've spent to long in the batcave.
After 10 minutes hacking away at the fuzz, I was carted away to hospital to help recover some of the blood loss associated with beard hacking. I would just like to thank the plastic surgeon who re-constructed my face. I think I look almost normal again.
1 comment:
I must say I really liked how Andy looked with the beard. The only unpleasantry was how it felt. haha. But I was completely in favor of the beard!!!! And my opinion is THE ONE that counts. :)
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