Working full time has it's upsides and it's downside. I don't mind my job in the least. It gets me out and I have met a lot more interesting and very friendly people. It also helps pay for my extravagant lifestyle. The problem is it does take up a lot of our time.
I was stood at the bus stop with Ian this morning on our way to do some unrecognized charity work, when asked what we had actually done this week?
The answer was surprisingly more that we had thought.
On Monday I went out with Laura to shoot some pool and got beaten!!! AGAIN!!! I really should stop putting $100 a frame on these games. Laura's off on a well earned holiday to Hawaii next week.
On Tuesday, The Bunac gang went back to play 5 a side football. We went to take on the Canadians but found that it's almost exclusively ex-pats that play. I counted 6 Canadians, 1 Spanish girl, 1 Swede send 16 Brits. Still it was great fun this week, and I even managed to score a hatrick. The second was the best of the night, shimmy and then shot past the keeper on his left. Afterwards we all went to Darby's for a quick drink. They offer 2-4-1 pitchers for all sports teams, we took full advantage of that. So much so that the story of my two other goals that night matched the skill level of my good goal.
On Wednesday Ian and me went to a lecture at the university about the secret meeting between Roosevelt and Churchill at the White House, Christmas 1941. It didn't really go into much detail. They were more interested in talking about Churchills strange habits. Still, it was good fun, and nice and light for a Wednesday evening. Plus it was free!! So the price was right.
Thursday, Ian abandoned me to go to see some crappy old films, so I went with by biggest sulk face on, over to Laura's who cooked me dinner and looked after me in Ian's absence. We had a fun night.
Last night was Friday so we went to the Regal Beagle bar and then upstairs (2 new firsts) to the cabaret for some dancing and good times. It was cheap in there and nearly all of us were out. It felt like the old days when we first arrived. When we were young and carefree, no jobs and no clue!
Who am I kidding, we were never like that!

The Bunac gang at the cabaret

Ian doing his impression of a man who can't dance
It's Jades Birthday tonight so we're off out for a meal and a glass of Ribena. So all in all it's been a busy fun packed week. Tomorrow night is of course Sunday. As is slowly becoming tradition, Ian and I will stay in and have a well deserved night off.

Man I look ill in this photo. Its like a big version of Noel Edmonds is visiting me in hospital on Christmas day.
you do look like your Uncle David!!!!
Yep, you do look like Uncle David, and im glad that the beard has gone!!! It wasnt really a good look was it!
are you saying my father is ugly!!
Certainly not, sepecially if he looks like me!
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